10 Significant Things That Have Been Abolished or Discontinued in the United States

Don't Ask, Don't Tell (DADT) - Repealed in 2011 

Sodomy Laws - Struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court in Lawrence v. Texas (2003)

Prohibition - Repealed with the 21st Amendment in 1933

Child Labor - Addressed by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) in 1938 

Jim Crow Laws - Repealed in 1954

Segregation in Public Schools - Declared unconstitutional in 1954

Military Draft (Selective Service) - Transitioning to an all-volunteer military force in the early 1970s 

Poll Taxes - Abolished in 1964

Slavery - Officially abolished with the ratification of the 13th Amendment in 1865

Interstate Slave Trade -Officially abolished in 1808