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Python Operators

In Python, operators are special symbols or keywords used to perform operations on variables and values. They are essential for carrying out various computations and comparisons.

Arithmetic Operators:

# Addition
result_addition = 5 + 3  # 8

# Subtraction
result_subtraction = 5 - 3  # 2

# Multiplication
result_multiplication = 5 * 3  # 15

# Division
result_division = 5 / 3  # 1.666...

Comparison Operators:

# Equal to
is_equal = (5 == 3)  # False

# Not equal to
is_not_equal = (5 != 3)  # True

# Greater than
is_greater_than = (5 > 3)  # True

# Less than
is_less_than = (5 < 3)  # False

Logical Operators:

# Logical AND
result_and = (True and False)  # False

# Logical OR
result_or = (True or False)  # True

# Logical NOT
result_not = not True  # False

Assignment Operators:

x = 5
y = 3

# Addition assignment
x += y  # x = x + y

# Subtraction assignment
x -= y  # x = x - y

# Multiplication assignment
x *= y  # x = x * y

Membership Operators:

fruits = ["apple", "orange", "banana"]

# In
is_in_list = "apple" in fruits  # True

# Not in
is_not_in_list = "grape" not in fruits  # True

Identity Operators:

a = [1, 2, 3]
b = a

# Is
is_same_object = (a is b)  # True

# Is not
is_not_same_object = (a is not b)  # False